Date of Meeting:
June 20, 2022

To: Mayor and Board of Commissioners
From: David Lucore, ElectriCities Systems Manager
Action Requested:

The Town of Landis has requested to purchase a quantity of seven (7) transformers from the Town of Cornelius for a total price of $4,414.

The transformers are dual voltage and were used during the conversion of 4 kV lines to 12 kV lines. 

The transformers are no longer useful to the Town of Cornelius and would need  reconditioning in order to be utilized. The cost of $4,414 was derived from the initial purchase of $595 each for 6 – 25 KVA units for a total of $3,570 and 1 – 50 KVA transformer at a cost of $844 for a total cost of $4,414.

N.C.G.S. 160A-274 authorizes government entities to exchange real property with each other on terms and conditions it deems wise, with board approval.


Manager's Recommendation:
Approve a Resolution approving the purchase of transformers by the Town of Landis.
Name: Description: Type:
RES-Approving_the_sale_of_surplus_transformers_to_the_Town_of_Landis.pdf Surplus Transformers Resolution Letter